Bike before and after restoration

…may not look very different when you are looking at online photos.

When I bought this bike it looked like this
This is how this bike looks after complete restoration

You only see what you’d like to see or what someone else want you to see 🙂   The difference became apparent only when you get closer.  That is why you will rarely see a close-up photos on online services.

Is it the same bike?
Rusted cable and broken housing disable shifting
Rusted cassette and chain are not recoverable
Clogged and dirty derailleur
Dirty derailleur pulley and rusted chain
Dirty chainring
Rusted brake cable, dirty brakes and tire
Dirty rim will squeak the joy out of your ride.
Yes, it is, but properly cleaned.
New cables, housing, and ferrules
New cassette and chain
Cleaned and lubricated derailleur
cleaned pulley and new chain
Clean chainrings
Cleaned brakes, cable, and tire
Cleaned rim